DM1000 LED Microscopio ergonómico único, ahora también disponible con innovadora iluminación LED

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Un microscopio DIC es un microscopio de campo ancho que tiene un filtro de polarización y un prisma Wollaston entre la fuente de luz y la lente del condensador, así como entre la lente del objetivo y…
Jan 23, 2025
DIC Microscopes

A Guide to Phase Contrast

A phase contrast light microscope offers a way to view the structures of many types of biological specimens in greater contrast without the need of stains.

Microscopios de campo oscuro

El método de contraste de campo oscuro aprovecha la difracción o dispersión de la luz de las estructuras de un espécimen biológico o las características no uniformes de una muestra de material.
Fluorescence microscope image of a life-science specimen

An Introduction to Fluorescence

This article gives an introduction to fluorescence and photoluminescence, which includes phosphorescence, explains the basic theory behind them, and how fluorescence is used for microscopy.
A 17th-century compound microscope (© Golub Collection – University of California, Berkeley/Steven Ruzin, Curator)

A Brief History of Light Microscopy

The history of microscopy begins in the Middle Ages. As far back as the 11th century, plano-convex lenses made of polished beryl were used in the Arab world as reading stones to magnify manuscripts.…
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