Ciencias de la vida

Ciencias de la vida

Ciencias de la vida

Este es el lugar para ampliar sus conocimientos, capacidades de investigación y aplicaciones prácticas de la microscopía en diversos campos científicos. Aprenda a conseguir una visualización precisa, interpretación de imágenes y avances en la investigación. Encuentre información detallada sobre microscopía avanzada, técnicas de obtención de imágenes, preparación de muestras y análisis de imágenes. Los temas tratados incluyen la biología celular, la neurociencia y la investigación del cáncer, con especial atención a las aplicaciones e innovaciones de vanguardia.

Advanced Visualization in Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is very demanding. Surgical microscopes play an important role, helping to ensure flaps are well vascularized. Dr. Christine Bach is a Plastic and Reconstructive…

Neurovascular Surgery & Augmented Reality Fluorescence

Vascular neurosurgery is highly complex. Surgeons need to be able to rely on robust anatomical information. As such, visualization technologies play an essential role. Prof. Nils Ole Schmidt is a…

Oncological Reconstructive Surgery with the Leica M530 OHX Microscope

Precision is essential in oncological reconstructive surgery, in particular when it relies on free flap techniques. Microsurgical microscopes provide optimal visualization and help streamline the…

Oncological Reconstructive Surgery: Why Use a Microscope

Recent advances in microsurgery are enhancing breast reconstruction for oncology patients, allowing both functional and aesthetic rehabilitation. More and more surgeons are adopting surgical…
Oncological Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery at the Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital with Dr. Benichou. The Leica M530 OHX microscope is used by plastic surgeons in a comfortable standing up position.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: Why Use a Microscope

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery procedures can be delicate. Visualization solutions play an essential role, allowing to perform the surgery in the best conditions. And more and more plastic…

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Improving Precision and Accuracy with Microscopes

Spine surgery is extremely delicate and requires extensive training and experience. Innovative visualization technologies can also help achieve better outcomes allowing to see more and have a clearer…

Neurosurgery with Heads-up Display

In the following video interviews Prof. Dr. Raphael Guzman, Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, talks about his experience in heads-up…
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