Especialidades médicas
Especialidades médicas
Explore una completa colección de recursos científicos y clínicos adaptados a los profesionales sanitarios, que incluye opiniones de colegas, estudios de casos clínicos y simposios. Diseñada para neurocirujanos, oftalmólogos y especialistas en cirugía plástica y reparadora, otorrinolaringología y odontología. Esta colección destaca los últimos avances en microscopía quirúrgica. Descubra cómo las tecnologías quirúrgicas de vanguardia, como la fluorescencia AR, la visualización 3D y las imágenes OCT intraoperatorias, permiten tomar decisiones con confianza y precisión en cirugías complejas.
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How does Real-Time OCT Imaging Impact Precision in Corneal Surgery?
Corneal surgery is a highly specialized field. It requires great surgical precision to overcome challenges such as visualizing clearly the full anterior chamber, performing Descemet membrane peeling…

Buying an Ophthalmic Microscope? Gain Peers Insights from Dr. Dhami
In this article, learn how Dr. Abhinav Dhami, an ophthalmic surgery consultant in North India, enhances his surgical precision using the M822 ophthalmic microscope from Leica Microsystems and the key…

How AR Surgery Benefits Radial Forearm Free Flap Phalloplasty
The goal of penile reconstruction is to provide an aesthetic penoid with tactile and erogenous sensation, so the patient can have sexual intercourse and void standing.1 Currently, the radial forearm…

Advanced Visualization in ENT Surgery
ENT surgery poses unique challenges. It requires excellent visualization, both in terms of magnification and illumination. As such, choosing the right operating microscope is critical.

Advanced Visualization in Spine Surgery
There have been meaningful advances in spine surgery in recent years. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) techniques provide significant benefits, helping to minimize surgical trauma, improve…

How Augmented Reality is Transforming Vascular Neurosurgery
Augmented Reality is changing surgery, with new information helping to improve the precision and safety of procedures. This is especially true in vascular neurosurgery where Augmented Reality is…

Advanced Visualization in Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is very demanding. Surgical microscopes play an important role, helping to ensure flaps are well vascularized.
Dr. Christine Bach is a Plastic and Reconstructive…

Neurovascular Surgery & Augmented Reality Fluorescence
Vascular neurosurgery is highly complex. Surgeons need to be able to rely on robust anatomical information. As such, visualization technologies play an essential role.
Prof. Nils Ole Schmidt is a…

Oncological Reconstructive Surgery with the Leica M530 OHX Microscope
Precision is essential in oncological reconstructive surgery, in particular when it relies on free flap techniques. Microsurgical microscopes provide optimal visualization and help streamline the…