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Cell Biology Image Gallery
Cell biology studies the structure, function and behavior of cells, including cell metabolism, cell cycle, and cell signaling. Fluorescence microscopes are an integral part of a cell biologist…

Adding Dimensions to Multiplex Molecular Imaging
Molecular imaging of living specimens offers a means to draw upon the growing body of high-throughput molecular data to better understand the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of complex…

Benefits of TauContrast to Image Complex Samples
In this interview, Dr. Timo Zimmermann talks about his experience with the application of TauSense tools and their potential for the investigation of demanding samples such as thick samples or…

How Can Immunofluorescence Aid Virology Research?
Modern virology research has become as crucial now as ever before due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. There are many powerful technologies and assays that virologists can apply to their research into…

Obtenga el máximo de información de su muestra con LIGHTNING
LIGHTNING es un proceso adaptativo para la extracción de información que revela estructuras finas y detalles que de otro modo simplemente no serían visibles, de forma completamente automática . A…

Explore Innovative Techniques to Separate Fluorophores with Overlapping Spectra
In this article we explore several strategies you can take to improve the separation of fluorophores and increase the number of fluorescent probes you can distinguish in your sample.

STELLARIS White Light Lasers
When it comes to choosing fluorescent probes for your multi-color experiments, you shouldn’t have to compromise. Now you can advance beyond conventional excitation sources that limit your fluorophore…

TauSense Technology Imaging Tools
Leica Microsystems’ TauSense technology is a set of imaging modes based on fluorescence lifetime. Found at the core of the STELLARIS confocal platform, it will revolutionize your imaging experiments.…

The Power HyD Detector Family
Powerful photon counting detectors on the STELLARIS confocal platform provide improved photon counting, ultra-sensitive imaging and more color options in the NIR spectrum.