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Understanding Clearly the Magnification of Microscopy
To help users better understand the magnification of microscopy and how to determine the useful range of magnification values for digital microscopes, this article provides helpful guidelines.

Epi-Illumination Fluorescence and Reflection-Contrast Microscopy
This article discusses the development of epi-illumination and reflection contrast for fluorescence microscopy concerning life-science applications. Much was done by the Ploem research group…

Discover how Multiplexed Bioimaging can Advance Cancer Research
Explore multiplexing with up to 60 biomarkers, enabling advanced tumor imaging approaches to gather precise, spatially-resolved single-cell data that helps enhance cancer research and clinical…

Potential of Multiplex Confocal Imaging for Cancer Research and Immunology
Explore the new frontiers of multi-color fluorescent imaging: from image acquisition to analysis

Ultramicrotomy Techniques for Materials Sectioning
Learn about ultramicrotomy for materials sectioning when investigating polymers and brittle materials with transmission (TEM) or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or atomic force microscopy.

Exploring Subcellular Spatial Phenotypes with SPARCS
Discover spatially resolved CRISPR screening (SPARCS), a platform for microscopy-based genetic screening for spatial subcellular phenotypes at the human genome scale.

Introduction to Fluorescent Proteins
Overview of fluorescent proteins (FPs) from, red (RFP) to green (GFP) and blue (BFP), with a table showing their relevant spectral characteristics.

Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy Publication List
CRS (Coherent Raman Scattering) microscopy is an umbrella term for label-free methods that image biological structures by exploiting the characteristic, intrinsic vibrational contrast of their…

High-Quality EBSD Sample Preparation
This article describes a method for EBSD sample preparation of challenging materials. The high-quality samples required for electron backscatter diffraction are prepared with broad ion-beam milling.