
K5C La caméra CMOS Couleur

Un choix haut de gamme et dédié à la recherche

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Image of a Siemens star, where the diameter of the 1st black line circle is 10 mm and the 2nd is 20 mm, taken via an eyepiece of a M205 A stereo microscope. The rectangles represent the field of view (FOV) of a Leica digital camera when installed with various C-mounts (red 0.32x, blue 0.5x, green 0.63x).

Understanding Clearly the Magnification of Microscopy

To help users better understand the magnification of microscopy and how to determine the useful range of magnification values for digital microscopes, this article provides helpful guidelines.
C. elegans adult hermaphrodite gonades acquired using THUNDER Imager. Staining: blue - DAPI (nucleus), green - SP56 (sperm), red - RME-2 (oocyte), magenta - PGL-1 (RNA + protein granules). Image courtesy of Prof. Dr. Christian Eckmann, Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany.

Life Science Research: Which Microscope Camera is Right for You?

Deciding which microscope camera best fits your experimental needs can be daunting. This guide presents the key factors to consider when selecting the right camera for your life science research.
Histopathological sample, 40x magnification

Clinical Microscopy: Considerations on Camera Selection

The need for images in pathology laboratories has significantly increased over the past few years, be it in histopathology, cytology, hematology, clinical microbiology, or other applications. They…

Domaines d'application

Matériaux et sciences de la terre

Vous avez besoin d'outils appropriés pour une imagerie et une analyse fiables et de haute qualité. Leica Microsystems est la source unique pour tous vos besoins de recherche. En complément d'une…

Microscopes pour la recherche en sciences de la vie

Les microscopes de Leica Microsystems pour la recherche en sciences de la vie répondent aux besoins d'imagerie des scientifiques grâce à des innovations avancées et une expertise technique dans le…
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