ARveo Microscope numérique à réalité augmentée

Augmentez votre réalité avec une vision unique pour l'avenir

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Ease of use during surgical procedures

In this video, Dr. Cleopatra Charalampaki explains how simple it is to use GLOW800, available on the ARveo surgical microscope without interrupting the operation’s workflow. GLOW800 can be activated with the touch of a button, and real-time fluorescence can be observed simultaneously under natural…

Discover the benefits of the ARveo

The ARveo digital augmented reality microscope with groundbreaking GLOW AR fluorescence technology empowers surgical decision-making by providing:

Augmented digital imaging for precise, real-time information The freedom to choose what you see and how you see it Flexible options to share your…

Le professeur Guzman se penche sur l'avenir de l'imagerie neurochirurgicale

Dans cette vidéo, le professeur Raphael Guzman, docteur en médecine, explique l'avantage que représente le fait de disposer de plus d'informations pendant l'intervention chirurgicale en intégrant les technologies d'imagerie augmentée, telles que la fluorescence GLOW800 AR et la neuronavigation, dans…

Premières impressions de GLOW800 pendant la neurochirurgie vasculaire : Prof. Raphael Guzman, docteur en médecine

Le professeur Raphael Guzman, docteur en médecine, évoque son expérience lors de sa première utilisation de la fluorescence à réalité augmentée (AR) GLOW800 au bloc opératoire. Il examine les avantages par rapport aux technologies de fluorescence alternatives qui ne permettent pas d'observer…

Avantages de la fluorescence GLOW800 AR par rapport à l'imagerie NIR

Comparez l'observation du flux cérébrovasculaire avec la fluorescence GLOW800 AR à l'imagerie proche infrarouge (NIR) conventionnelle dans cette vidéo.

Découvrez comment la fluorescence à réalité augmentée (AR) GLOW800 traite le contraste élevé de l'imagerie NIR en combinaison avec l'ICG et le…

Fluorescence à réalité augmentée GLOW800 : Fistule artério-veineuse

Observez la nouvelle fluorescence à réalité augmentée (AR) GLOW800 de Leica Microsystems enregistrée pendant une procédure neurochirurgicale exécutée par le Dr. Prof. Cleopatra Charalampaki au département de neurochirurgie, institut médical de Cologne, Allemagne.

Leica Microsystems' innovations in surgical microscopy featured on renowned television series

Leica Microsystems’ Medical Division recently was featured during the nationally televised program "Innovations with Ed Begley Jr." (  

Four prominent surgeons and Leica Microsystems President Markus Lusser discussed the many ways Leica Microsystems is advancing…

GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence: Pericallosal Aneurysm

View new GLOW800 augmented reality (AR) fluorescence from Leica Microsystems recorded during a neurosurgical procedure performed by Dr. Prof. Cleopatra Charalampaki at the Department of Neurosurgery, Cologne Medical Center, Germany. 

GLOW800 is a new approach to vascular fluorescence imaging. The…

GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence: MCA Aneurysm

View new GLOW800 augmented reality (AR) fluorescence from Leica Microsystems recorded during a neurosurgical procedure performed by Dr. Prof. Cleopatra Charalampaki at the Department of Neurosurgery, Cologne Medical Center, Germany. 

GLOW800 is a new approach to vascular fluorescence imaging. The…

GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence: AV Fistula

View new GLOW800 augmented reality (AR) fluorescence from Leica Microsystems recorded during a neurosurgical procedure performed by Dr. Prof. Cleopatra Charalampaki at the Department of Neurosurgery, Cologne Medical Center, Germany. 

GLOW800 is a new approach to vascular fluorescence imaging. The…

Overcoming surgical challenges with GLOW800

In this video, Dr. Cleopatra Charalampaki discusses previous challenges in vascular neurosurgery of reconciling alternating views between ICG NIR and white light. She explains how GLOW800, available on the ARveo surgical microscope, helps overcome these challenges by giving you one uninterrupted…

Maintaining optimal surgical workflow with GLOW800

In this video, Dr. Cleopatra Charalampaki explains the benefits of the simplistic workflow provided by GLOW800. She highlights the importance of minimizing visual disruptions during surgery and how GLOW AR technology can help provide an uninterrupted workflow. Dr. Charalampaki is Professor of…

Advantages of GLOW800

In this video, Dr. Cleopatra Charalampaki describes the applications of GLOW800, its advantages in neurovascular surgeries, and improved workflow during operations. Dr. Charalampaki is Professor of Neurosurgery at Cologne Medical Center in Cologne, Germany. 

Disclaimer: Off-label uses of GLOW800 are…

World debut of the ARveo Digital Augmented Reality Microscope for neurosurgery at AANS 2018

Take a look at the world debut of the ARveo digital augmented reality microscope at AANS in New Orleans, USA. Find out what leading surgeons think about the benefits of integrated technologies, such as GLOW800 augmented reality vascular fluorescence, 3D visualization, and IGS integration.

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