
M525 F20 Microscope opératoire pour la chirurgie ORL, la neurochirurgie et la chirurgie du rachis

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Operating room, PROVIDO

Free Flap Procedures in Oncological Reconstructive Surgery

Free flap surgery is considered the gold standard for breast, head and neck reconstructions for cancer patients. These procedures, which enable functional and aesthetic rehabilitation, can be quite…

How to Choose a Microscope for Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic and reconstructive surgery requires excellent visualization to repair intricate and fine structures. Oncological reconstructive surgery procedures are among the most delicate, including breast…

How to use a Surgical Microscope as an Operating Room Nurse

Surgical microscopes play an essential role in the modern microsurgery procedures. It provides the surgeon, assistant and operating room staff with a magnified and illuminated high-quality image of…

How Clinical and Surgical Microscopes Support Otolaryngology

The number of ENT surgery procedures is increasing year after year. It is estimated that there will be over 21 million ENT procedures performed annually worldwide by 2022. Dr. Duane Mol is the…
Oncological Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery at the Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital with Dr. Benichou. The Leica M530 OHX microscope is used by plastic surgeons in a comfortable standing up position.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: Why Use a Microscope

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery procedures can be delicate. Visualization solutions play an essential role, allowing to perform the surgery in the best conditions. And more and more plastic…

From Dentistry to Micro-dentistry

Endodontics expert Fabio Gorni shares his vast experience in micro-dentistry and provides answers to questions of the webinar participants at the end of the recording. This webinar allows you to…
Utilizing a dental microscope in endodontic surgery. Image courtesy of Dr. Fabio Gorni.

How Dental Microscopes Optimize Visualization in Endodontic Surgery

The clinical videos from Dr. Gorni demonstrate the benefits of dental microscope use for micro-dentistry, optimizing visualization to enhance prevision and minimize damage for successful endodontic…

Overcoming Complexities in Microdentistry

Dr. Salam Abu Arqub, from the Smile Engineer Dental Center in Amman, Jordan, has been using Leica dental microscopes for three years for all procedures performed at the clinic. He shared his…

Domaines d'application

Microscopes de neurochirurgie

Nos microscopes de neurochirurgie de pointe offrent une visualisation optimale et fiable, intégrant des filtres de fluorescence et la fluorescence à réalité augmentée GLOW 800.

Otolaryngologie (ORL)

Les microscopes ORL Leica combinent un éclairage puissant, une grande profondeur de champ et une excellente manœuvrabilité afin d'exécuter vos procédures ORL avec grande précision.

Chirurgie plastique reconstructrice

Que vous ayez besoin d'un microscope opératoire haut de gamme ou d'une solution rentable pour une utilisation pluridisciplinaire, Leica Microsystems propose des solutions personnalisables pour une…

Microscopie opératoire dentaire

Leica Microsystems propose des solutions de microscopie opératoire dentaire innovantes offrant une précision optimale et de meilleurs résultats dans toutes les disciplines dentaires.
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