
DVM6 Microscope Numérique

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Image of burrs (red arrows) at the edge of a battery electrode acquired with a DVM6 digital microscope.

Burr Detection During Battery Manufacturing

See how optical microscopy can be used for burr detection on battery electrodes and determination of damage potential to achieve rapid and reliable quality control during battery manufacturing.
Image of a Siemens star, where the diameter of the 1st black line circle is 10 mm and the 2nd is 20 mm, taken via an eyepiece of a M205 A stereo microscope. The rectangles represent the field of view (FOV) of a Leica digital camera when installed with various C-mounts (red 0.32x, blue 0.5x, green 0.63x).

Understanding Clearly the Magnification of Microscopy

To help users better understand the magnification of microscopy and how to determine the useful range of magnification values for digital microscopes, this article provides helpful guidelines.

Rapid and Reliable Examination of PCBs & PCBAs with Digital Microscopy

Digital microscopes provide users with a convenient and rapid way to acquire high-quality, reliable image data and make quick inspection and analysis of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and assemblies…
The Emspira 3 digital microscope offers what users need for comprehensive visual inspection, including comparison, measurement, and documentation sharing.

Digital Inspection Microscope for Industrial Applications

Factors users should consider before choosing a digital inspection microscope for industrial applications, including quality control (QC), failure analysis (FA), and R&D, are described in this…
Documentation of an automotive clutch friction surface with a digital microscope

Verifying Specifications for Auto Parts and Components

During the development and production of automotive parts and components, whether by suppliers or the auto manufacturer, specifications must be met. This goal is important, because the specifications…

Industrial Microscopy: Digital imaging and the Leica DVM6

This webinar will discuss digital microscopy and Leica’s digital DVM6 microscope. We will navigate the difference between optical and digital magnification, explain the differences in optics, and…
Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) images

How To Create EDOF (Extended Depth of Focus) Images

Watch this video to see how you can rapidly record sharp optical microscope images of samples with a large height variation. This is done with the optional Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) function of…

How to make a fast Z-stack

Save time for your 2D and 3D analysis. Watch this video to learn about the new user interface, LAS, for the DVM6 digital microscope. The video demonstrates how to make a fast Z-Stack with a few…
Basalt imaged with crossed polarizers

Digital Microscopy in Earth Science

Classical polarized light (compound) microscopes can only be used for prepared samples, because the working distance they offer is insufficient for whole samples. This means that thicker and bigger…

Digital Microscopy in Forensics

Forensic experts work with a broad range of microscopes to examine evidence from firearms and tool marks, documents, forensic or legal medicine, hair and fibers as well as glass and paint. Digital…

Life Science Imaging with DVM6 Digital Microscope

Digital microscopes can be a great help in life science applications such as the documentation in botany, entomology studies and crop science, or the digitization of museum collections. The image…
Watch imaged with DMS300.

What You Always Wanted to Know About Digital Microscopy, but Never Got Around to Asking

Digital microscopy is one of the buzz words in microscopy – and there are a couple of facts that are useful to know. Georg Schlaffer, Product Manager with Leica Microsystems, has often been asked…
An ID card which has been tampered with by counterfeiters who inserted a hologram.

Is that Document Genuine or Fake? How do They Identify Fake Documents?

This article shows how forensic experts use microscopy for analysis to identify counterfeit, fake documents, such as ID cards, passports, visas, certificates, etc. Then they know if it is genuine or…
Solutions de microscopie pour la fabrication de batteries

Fabrication de batteries

La fabrication de batteries comporte plusieurs défis clés en matière d’inspection. Des solutions pour la préparation des échantillons et l’analyse visuelle et chimique microscopique sont nécessaires.

Domaines d'application

Microscopes d’inspection

Leica Microsystems propose une variété de microscopes d’inspection pour les applications industrielles. Nos experts peuvent vous aider à trouver la solution optimale.

Matériaux et sciences de la terre

Vous avez besoin d'outils appropriés pour une imagerie et une analyse fiables et de haute qualité. Leica Microsystems est la source unique pour tous vos besoins de recherche. En complément d'une…

Industrie automobile et transport

Améliorez la fiabilité et la précision de votre travail dans le secteur de la production automobile et des transports. Les solutions d'imagerie microscopique de Leica Microsystems améliorent votre…

Dispositif médical

Les microscopes de production de dispositifs médicaux de Leica Microsystems aident à améliorer l'efficacité de la production tout en réduisant la fatigue musculaire et oculaire liée aux tâches…

Inspection des circuits imprimés

Pour une inspection rapide et fiable des circuits imprimés, les fabricants et fournisseurs de composants électroniques ont besoin de solutions qui assurent l’efficacité du contrôle qualité, de…

Marchés de la microscopie industrielle

L'optimisation du temps de fonctionnement et la réalisation efficace des objectifs contribuent à votre résultat net. Les solutions de microscopie de Leica peuvent vous donner un aperçu des plus petits…

Microscopes pour analyse de matériaux

L’analyse de matériaux nécessite des solutions de microscope pour l’imagerie, la mesure et l’analyse de caractéristiques dans divers matériaux tels que les alliages métalliques, les semiconducteurs,…

Industrie des métaux

Les solutions de microscope Leica dédiées à l’industrie des métaux servent à évaluer la qualité des métaux et à s’assurer de la conformité aux normes applicables.

Fabrication de batteries

La fabrication de batteries comporte plusieurs défis clés en matière d’inspection. Des solutions pour la préparation des échantillons et l’analyse visuelle et chimique microscopique sont nécessaires.
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