


Plongez dans des articles détaillés et des webinaires consacrés à l'inspection efficace, à l'optimisation des flux de travail et au confort ergonomique dans les contextes industriels et pathologiques. Les sujets abordés comprennent le contrôle de la qualité, l'analyse des matériaux, la microscopie en pathologie, parmi beaucoup d'autres. C'est ici que vous obtiendrez des informations précieuses sur l'utilisation des technologies de pointe pour améliorer la précision et l'efficacité des processus de fabrication, ainsi que pour établir des diagnostics et des recherches pathologiques précis.

See More Than Just Your Image

Despite the emergence of new imaging methods in recent years, true 3D resolution is still achieved by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). Through a combination of novel, extremely fast scanning…

Live Cell Isolation by Laser Microdissection

Laser microdissection is a tool for the isolation of homogenous cell populations from their native niches in tissues to downstream molecular assays. Beside its routine use for fixed tissue sections,…
Array tomography image of T-cells in mouse lymph nodes.

High Resolution Array Tomography with Automated Serial Sectioning

The optimization of high resolution, 3-dimensional (3D), sub-cellular structure analysis with array tomography using an automated serial sectioning solution, achieving a high section density on the…

Macroscale to Nanoscale Pore Analysis of Shale and Carbonate Rocks

Physical porosity in rocks, like shale and carbonate, has a large effect on the their storage capacity. The pore geometries also affect their permeability. Imaging the visible pore space provides…

Super-resolved STED spectroscopy

Molecular interactions are key in cellular signalling. They are often ruled or rendered by the mobility of the involved molecules.

Which Sensor is the Best for Confocal Imaging?

The Hybrid Photodetectors (HyD) are! Why that is the case is explained in this short Science Lab article.

Visualization of DNA Molecules

Precise low angle rotary shadowing with heavy metals (like platinum) can be used in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to observe molecular details of objects previously absorbed on a thin, low…
Light sheet microscopy tilescan of zebrafish.

Using U-Shaped Glass Capillaries for Sample Mounting

The DLS microscope system from Leica Microsystems is an innovative concept which integrates the Light Sheet Microscopy technology into the confocal platform. Due to its unique optical architecture,…

The Fundamentals and History of Fluorescence and Quantum Dots

At some point in your research and science career, you will no doubt come across fluorescence microscopy. This ubiquitous technique has transformed the way in which microscopists can image, tag and…
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