Sciences de la vie

Sciences de la vie

Sciences de la vie

C'est ici que vous pourrez développer vos connaissances, vos capacités de recherche et les applications pratiques de la microscopie dans divers domaines scientifiques. Apprenez à obtenir une visualisation précise, à interpréter les images et à faire progresser la recherche. Trouvez des informations pertinentes sur la microscopie avancée, les techniques d'imagerie, la préparation des échantillons et l'analyse des images. Les sujets abordés comprennent la biologie cellulaire, les neurosciences et la recherche sur le cancer, en mettant l'accent sur les applications et les innovations de pointe.
Image of fixed U2OS cell expressing mEmerald-Tomm20 denoised using a 3D RCAN model trained with matching low and high SNR image pairs acquired on an iSIM system.

AI Microscopy Image Analysis – An Introduction

Artificial intelligence-guided microscopy image analysis and visualization is a powerful tool for data-driven scientific discovery. AI can help researchers tackle challenging imaging applications,…
Dual color volume rendering of Drp1 oligomers (green) and mito OM (red) in a live U2OS cell

Multicolor 4D Super Resolution Light Sheet Microscopy

The AI Microscopy Symposium offers a unique forum for discussing the latest AI-based technologies and tools in the field of microscopy and biomedical imaging. In this scientific presentation, Yuxuan…

The AI-Powered Pixel Classifier

Achieving reproducible results manually requires expertise and is tedious work. But now there is a way to overcome these challenges by speeding up this analysis to extract the real value of the image…

Using Machine Learning in Microscopy Image Analysis

Recent exciting advances in microscopy technologies have led to exponential growth in quality and quantity of image data captured in biomedical research. However, analyzing large and increasingly…

Applying AI and Machine Learning in Microscopy and Image Analysis

Prof. Emma Lundberg is a professor in cell biology proteomics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. She is also the director of the Cell Atlas, an integral part of the Swedish-based Human…
H&E stained micrograph of an intramucosal esophageal adenocarcinoma (left) enhanced with Aivia’s Pixel Classifier (right)

Simplifying the Cancer Biology Image Analysis Workflow

As cancer biology data sets grow, so do the challenges in microscopy image analysis. Aivia experts cover how to overcome these challenges with AI.
Single timepoint of a drosophilia embryo, 3D object detection

Examining Critical Developmental Events in High-Definition

Extended live cell imaging of embryo development requires a delicate balance between light exposure, temporal resolution and spatial resolution to maintain cells’ viability. Compromises between the…
Single timepoint of a time-lapse recording of mammary epithelial micro spheroid cultured in 3D highlighting individual mitotic events

Observing Complex Cellular Interactions at Multiple Scales

Learn how to observe challenging cellular interactions with easy to deploy object detection and relationship measurements.
Aivia_Neuroscience-VBE comparison mouse-1_traced_ROI

Accelerating Neuron Image Analysis with Automation

The ability to examine complex neural processes relies on the accurate reconstruction of neuronal networks at scale. Most data extraction methods in neuroscience research are time-consuming and…
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