Sciences de la vie

Sciences de la vie

Sciences de la vie

C'est ici que vous pourrez développer vos connaissances, vos capacités de recherche et les applications pratiques de la microscopie dans divers domaines scientifiques. Apprenez à obtenir une visualisation précise, à interpréter les images et à faire progresser la recherche. Trouvez des informations pertinentes sur la microscopie avancée, les techniques d'imagerie, la préparation des échantillons et l'analyse des images. Les sujets abordés comprennent la biologie cellulaire, les neurosciences et la recherche sur le cancer, en mettant l'accent sur les applications et les innovations de pointe.

A Guide to Darkfield Microscopes

A darkfield microscope offers a way to view the structures of many types of biological specimens in greater contrast without the need of stains.


Un microscope DIC est un microscope à champ large qui possède un filtre de polarisation et un prisme de Wollaston entre la source de lumière et la lentille du condenseur et également entre l'objectif…


Vos recherches portent sur les infections et les maladies virales ? Découvrez comment renforcer vos connaissances en virologie grâce aux solutions d’imagerie et de préparation d’échantillons de Leica…
Fluorescence microscopy image of liver tissue where DNA in the nuclei are stained with Feulgen-pararosanilin and visualized with transmitted green light.

Epi-Illumination Fluorescence and Reflection-Contrast Microscopy

This article discusses the development of epi-illumination and reflection contrast for fluorescence microscopy concerning life-science applications. Much was done by the Ploem research group…

The Fundamentals and History of Fluorescence and Quantum Dots

At some point in your research and science career, you will no doubt come across fluorescence microscopy. This ubiquitous technique has transformed the way in which microscopists can image, tag and…
Left: Tissue cells marked with an immunolabel (FITC) illuminated with wide-band UV excitation. Note the tissue structure with blue autofluorescence. Right: Same tissue and same immunostaining with FITC label illuminated with epi-illumination using narrow-band blue (490 nm) light. Note the increased image contrast (Ploem, 1967)

Milestones in Incident Light Fluorescence Microscopy

Since the middle of the last century, fluorescence microscopy developed into a bio scientific tool with one of the biggest impacts on our understanding of life. Watching cells and proteins with the…
Exchange a fluorescence bulb.

Video Tutorial: How to Change the Bulb of a Fluorescence Lamp Housing

When applying fluorescence microscopy in biological applications, a lamp housing with mercury burner is the most common light source. This video tutorial shows how to change the bulb of a traditional…
Center a fluorescence bulb.

Video Tutorial: How to Align the Bulb of a Fluorescence Lamp Housing

The traditional light source for fluorescence excitation is a fluorescence lamp housing with mercury burner. A prerequisite for achieving bright and homogeneous excitation is the correct centering and…
Jellyfish Aequorea Victoria

Fluorescent Proteins - From the Beginnings to the Nobel Prize

Fluorescent proteins are the fundament of recent fluorescence microscopy and its modern applications. Their discovery and consequent development was one of the most exciting innovations for life…
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