STELLARIS Cryo Microscopio ottico confocale

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Projection of a confocal z-stack. Sum159 cells, human breast cancer cells kindly provided by Ievgeniia Zagoriy, Mahamid Group, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. Blue–Hoechst - indicates nuclei, Green–MitoTracker mitochondria, and red–Bodipy - lipid droplets

New Imaging Tools for Cryo-Light Microscopy

New cryo-light microscopy techniques like LIGHTNING and TauSense fluorescence lifetime-based tools reveal structures for cryo-electron microscopy.
Correlation of markers in the LM and the FIB image.

How to Target Fluorescent Structures in 3D for Cryo-FIB Milling

This article describes the major steps of the cryo-electron tomography workflow including super-resolution cryo-confocal microscopy. We describe how subcellular structures can be precisely located in…
HeLa cells labeled with dark blue – Hoechst, Nuclei; magenta – MitoTracker Green, Mitochondria; turquoise - Bodipy, lipid droplets. Cells kindly provided by Ievgeniia Zagoriy, Mahamid Group, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.

Precise 3D Targeting for EM Imaging - Access What Matters

Find out how the seamless cryo-electron tomography workflow Coral Cryo uses confocal super resolution to target your structure of interest more precisely.

The Cryo-CLEM Journey

This article describes the Cryo-CLEM technology and the benefits it can provide for scientists. Additionally, some scientific publications are highlighted. Recent developments in cryo electron…
Cryo FIB lamella - Overlay of SEM and confocal fluorescence image. Target structure in yeast cells (nuclear pore proteine Nup159-Atg8-split Venus, red) marked by an arrow. Scale bar: 5 µm. Alegretti et al.,  Nature 586, 796-800 (2020).

Targeting Active Recycling Nuclear Pore Complexes using Cryo Confocal Microscopy

In this article, how cryo light microscopy and, in particular cryo confocal microscopy, is used to improve the reliability of cryo EM workflows is described. The quality of the EM grids and samples is…

Advancing Cell Biology with Cryo-Correlative Microscopy

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) advances biological discoveries by merging different microscopes and imaging modalities to study systems in 4D. Combining fluorescence microscopy with…

Crystal Clear Cryo Light-microscopy Images

This article describes how computational clearing of cryo light microscopy images improves the identification of cellular targets for cryo electron-microscopy.

Improve Cryo Electron Tomography Workflow

Leica Microsystems and Thermo Fisher Scientific have collaborated to create a fully integrated cryo-tomography workflow that responds to these research needs: Reveal cellular mechanisms at…

Imaging of Host Cell-bacteria Interactions using Correlative Microscopy under Cryo-conditions

Pathogenic bacteria have developed intriguing strategies to establish and promote infections in their respective hosts. Most bacterial pathogens initiate infectious diseases by adhering to host cells…

Campi di applicazione

Tomografica crioelettronica

La tomografia crioelettronica (CryoET) viene utilizzata per rilevare le biomolecole all'interno del proprio ambiente cellulare fino a una risoluzione senza precedenti, inferiore a un nanometro.

Tecniche avanzate di microscopia

Le tecniche di microscopia avanzata comprendono tecniche di imaging ad alta e super-risoluzione. Queste tecniche sono utilizzate principalmente per visualizzare gli eventi biologici ad altissima…

Microscopia correlativa per sistemi ottici ed elettronici (CLEM)

I flussi di lavoro Coral di Leica Microsystems consentono agli utenti di correlare i dati di fluorescenza e microscopia elettronica (CLEM).
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