Leica LMD6 & LMD7 Microdissezione laser

La dissezione perfetta

Leica LMD7 Flagship

The flagship of the Leica widefield portfolio: The Leica LMD7 with scanning stage and Leica DFC7000 T camera on top port and Leica DFC3000 G camera on the side port. Both stage and cameras can be used for the Leica LMD6 as well.

Leica LMD7

Leica LMD7 with scanning stage and Leica DFC7000 T camera on top port and Leica DFC3000 G camera on the side port with a 22’’ pen screen and the Leica LMD application software on screen which allows full system control via pen (behind the screen on the right) or mouse. Both stage and cameras can be…

Leica LMD6

Leica LMD6 con tavolino motorizzato e fotocamera Leica CC7000. Tavolino e fotocamera possono essere utilizzati anche sul Leica LMD7.

Laser Microdissection – Autofocus before Cut

The “Autofocus before Cut” function finds a focus of the sample before each dissection process. Intended for high ROI numbers which shall be dissected successively.

Laser Microdissection – Inspect all Collectors

The „Inspect all Collectors“ tool inspects and documents all collection devices which were used for Laser Microdissection – automatically by a single mouse click.

Live cutting with the Move and Cut mode of Leica Laser Microdissection systems

(objective: 40x; contrast: brightfield (BF); specimen: mouse brain, red stain, PET steel frame) 

Leica LMD Shadow Cuts – the fastest way of laser microdissection ever!

(objective: 5x; contrast: brightfield (BF); specimen: human, H&E stained, 4 µm PEN steel frame slide)

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