Immergetevi in articoli dettagliati e webinar incentrati su ispezioni efficienti, flussi di lavoro ottimizzati e comfort ergonomico in contesti industriali e patologici. Gli argomenti trattati includono il controllo qualità, l'analisi dei materiali, la microscopia in patologia e molti altri. Questo è il luogo in cui potrete ottenere preziose informazioni sull'utilizzo di tecnologie all'avanguardia per migliorare la precisione e l'efficienza dei processi di produzione, nonché l'accuratezza della diagnosi e della ricerca patologica.
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Rapidly Visualizing Magnetic Domains in Steel with Kerr Microscopy
The rotation of polarized light after interaction with magnetic domains in a material, known as the Kerr effect, enables the investigation of magnetized samples with Kerr microscopy. It allows rapid…

Understanding Clearly the Magnification of Microscopy
To help users better understand the magnification of microscopy and how to determine the useful range of magnification values for digital microscopes, this article provides helpful guidelines.

Life Science Research: Which Microscope Camera is Right for You?
Deciding which microscope camera best fits your experimental needs can be daunting. This guide presents the key factors to consider when selecting the right camera for your life science research.

Clinical Microscopy: Considerations on Camera Selection
The need for images in pathology laboratories has significantly increased over the past few years, be it in histopathology, cytology, hematology, clinical microbiology, or other applications. They…