Immergetevi in articoli dettagliati e webinar incentrati su ispezioni efficienti, flussi di lavoro ottimizzati e comfort ergonomico in contesti industriali e patologici. Gli argomenti trattati includono il controllo qualità, l'analisi dei materiali, la microscopia in patologia e molti altri. Questo è il luogo in cui potrete ottenere preziose informazioni sull'utilizzo di tecnologie all'avanguardia per migliorare la precisione e l'efficienza dei processi di produzione, nonché l'accuratezza della diagnosi e della ricerca patologica.
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Cutting-Edge Imaging Techniques for GPCR Signaling
With this webinar on-demand enhance your pharmacological research with our webinar on GPCR signaling and explore cutting-edge imaging techniques that aim to understand how GPCR signaling translates…

Notable AI-based Solutions for Phenotypic Drug Screening
Learn about notable optical microscope solutions for phenotypic drug screening using 3D-cell culture, both planning and execution, from this free, on-demand webinar.

Potential of Multiplex Confocal Imaging for Cancer Research and Immunology
Explore the new frontiers of multi-color fluorescent imaging: from image acquisition to analysis

Windows on Neurovascular Pathologies
Discover how innate immunity can sustain deleterious effects following neurovascular pathologies and the technological developments enabling longitudinal studies into these events.

The Power of Reproducibility, Collaboration and New Imaging Technologies
In this webinar you willl learn what impacts reproducibility in microscopy, what resources and initiatives there are to improve education and rigor and reproducibility in microscopy and how…

AI Microscopy Enables the Efficient Detection of Rare Events
Localization and selective imaging of rare events is key for the investigation of many processes in biological samples. Yet, due to time constraints and complexity, some experiments are not feasible…

Five-color FLIM-STED with One Depletion Laser
Webinar on five-color STED with a single depletion laser and fluorescence lifetime phasor separation.

Virtual Reality Showcase for STELLARIS Confocal Microscopy Platform
In this webinar, you will discover how to perform 10-color acquisition using a confocal microscope. The challenges of imaged-based approaches to identify skin immune cells. A new pipeline to assess…

Confocal Imaging of Immune Cells in Tissue Samples
In this webinar, you will discover how to perform 10-color acquisition using a confocal microscope. The challenges of imaged-based approaches to identify skin immune cells. A new pipeline to assess…