Specialità mediche
Specialità mediche
Esplora una raccolta completa di risorse scientifiche e cliniche su misura per gli operatori sanitari, tra cui approfondimenti tra pari, casi clinici e simposi. Progettata per neurochirurghi, oculisti e specialisti in chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva, otorinolaringoiatria e odontoiatria. Questa raccolta evidenzia gli ultimi progressi nel campo della microscopia chirurgica. Scoprite come le tecnologie chirurgiche all'avanguardia, come la fluorescenza AR, la visualizzazione 3D e l'imaging OCT intraoperatorio, consentano di prendere decisioni sicure e di essere precisi in interventi chirurgici complessi.
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Proveo 8 with intraoperative OCT – a User Evaluation in an University Setting
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) makes structures in the eye visible that lie beneath the surface. When OCT is used intraoperatively, surgeons gain insight into possible pathological changes in the…

Optimal Visualization in Brain Surgery
This case study “Treatment of the Galassi type III arachnoid cyst with the M530 OHX surgical microscope from Leica Microsystems” documents the procedure step by step and shows the visualization…

Intraoperative OCT-Assisted Surgical Management of Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is a plague to patients and their surgeons after recent rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD). Despite excellent initial surgical outcomes, it is the most common…

GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence in AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) Treatment
In this case study Prof. Dr. Feres Chaddad talks about the treatment of AVMs. It illustrates how the Augmented Reality Fluorescence GLOW800 can help surgeons during microsurgical resection by…