Specialità mediche

Specialità mediche

Specialità mediche

Esplora una raccolta completa di risorse scientifiche e cliniche su misura per gli operatori sanitari, tra cui approfondimenti tra pari, casi clinici e simposi. Progettata per neurochirurghi, oculisti e specialisti in chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva, otorinolaringoiatria e odontoiatria. Questa raccolta evidenzia gli ultimi progressi nel campo della microscopia chirurgica. Scoprite come le tecnologie chirurgiche all'avanguardia, come la fluorescenza AR, la visualizzazione 3D e l'imaging OCT intraoperatorio, consentano di prendere decisioni sicure e di essere precisi in interventi chirurgici complessi.
Evolved ARveo 8: Operating Room (OR) set-up.

Augmented Reality: Transforming Neurosurgical Procedures

In this ebook, you will explore the exciting advances that Augmented Reality (AR) brings to the field of neurosurgery. This comprehensive guide, including explanatory videos, addresses key questions…
John Hamilton, Bchir, MB, FRCS, Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon, Gloucester Royal Hospital. Dr. Hamilton during ontological surgery with his trainees.

Why 3D Microscope Visualization Enriches Surgical ENT Education

Learn about the benefits of using a Leica surgical microscope with 3D visualization for surgical ENT education.
Plastic reconstructive surgery with M530 OHX

Advances in Oncological Reconstructive Surgery

Decision making and patient care in oncological reconstructive surgery have considerably evolved in recent years. New surgical assistance technologies are helping surgeons push the boundaries of what…

Intraoperative OCT in Retinal Procedures

In their white paper the surgical team at Retina Clinic in São Paulo provide insight into cases of complex retinal surgery in which OCT has provided helpful additional information which has on…

Towards Advanced Use of Intraoperative OCT in Cataract Surgery

In this White Paper, Dr. Rachid Tahiri shares his personal experience with the Leica EnFocus intraoperative OCT, the valuable features supporting smooth surgery and how it allows him to minimize…

Moving to Routine Use of Intraoperative OCT in Eye Surgery

Dr Barbara Parolini is one of the pioneers in the use of intraoperative OCT in eye surgery. Since 2016, she has gained a lot of clinical experience with different intraoperative OCT systems. In this…
Completed Bleb, courtesy of Robert A. Sisk, MD, FACS, Cincinnati Eye Institute.

Intraoperative OCT-Assisted Gene Therapy

Gene augmentation therapy is a method of ocular gene transfer for autosomal recessive or X-linked retinal dystrophies when there is insufficient functional protein manifesting as genetic disease.…
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