Scienze della vita
Scienze della vita
Questo è il posto giusto per ampliare le vostre conoscenze, le capacità di ricerca e le applicazioni pratiche della microscopia in vari campi scientifici. Imparate come ottenere una visualizzazione precisa, l'interpretazione delle immagini e i progressi della ricerca. Troverete informazioni approfondite sulla microscopia avanzata, sulle tecniche di imaging, sulla preparazione dei campioni e sull'analisi delle immagini. Gli argomenti trattati comprendono la biologia cellulare, le neuroscienze e la ricerca sul cancro, con particolare attenzione alle applicazioni e alle innovazioni più avanzate.
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Multicolor Microscopy: The Importance of Multiplexing
The term multiplexing refers to the use of multiple fluorescent dyes to examine various elements within a sample. Multiplexing allows related components and processes to be observed in parallel,…

A New Method for Convenient and Efficient Multicolor Imaging
The technique combining hyperspectral unmixing and phasor analysis was developed to simplify the process of getting images from a sample labeled with multiple fluorophores. This aggregate method…

Considerations for Multiplex Live Cell Imaging
Simultaneous multicolor imaging for successful experiments: Live-cell imaging experiments are key to understand dynamic processes. They allow us to visually record cells in their living state, without…

Nobel Prize 2013 in Physiology or Medicine for Discoveries of the Machinery Regulating Vesicle Traffic
On October 7th 2013, The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 jointly to James E. Rothman, Randy W. Schekman and Thomas C. Südhof…

Nobel Prize 2012 in Physiology or Medicine for Stem Cell Research
The Nobel Prize recognizes two scientists who discovered that mature, specialised cells can be reprogrammed to become immature cells capable of developing into all tissues of the body. Their findings…

Introduction to Live-Cell Imaging
The understanding of complex and fast cellular dynamics is an important step to get insight into biological processes. Therefore, today’s life science research more and more demands studying…