Scienze della vita

Scienze della vita

Scienze della vita

Questo è il posto giusto per ampliare le vostre conoscenze, le capacità di ricerca e le applicazioni pratiche della microscopia in vari campi scientifici. Imparate come ottenere una visualizzazione precisa, l'interpretazione delle immagini e i progressi della ricerca. Troverete informazioni approfondite sulla microscopia avanzata, sulle tecniche di imaging, sulla preparazione dei campioni e sull'analisi delle immagini. Gli argomenti trattati comprendono la biologia cellulare, le neuroscienze e la ricerca sul cancro, con particolare attenzione alle applicazioni e alle innovazioni più avanzate.

What is a Resonant Scanner?

A resonant scanner is a type of galvanometric mirror scanner that allows fast image acquisition with single-point scanning microscopes (true confocal and multiphoton laser scanning). High acquisition…

What is a Spectral Detector (SP Detector)?

The SP detector from Leica Microsystems denotes a compound detection unit for point scanning microscopes, in particular confocal microscopes. The SP detector splits light into up to 5 spectral bands.…
Elucidate cancer development on sub-cellular level by in-vivo like tumor spheroid models.

Improve 3D Cell Biology Workflow with Light Sheet Microscopy

Understanding the sub-cellular mechanisms in carcinogenesis is of crucial importance for cancer treatment. Popular cellular models comprise cancer cells grown as monolayers. But this approach…

Resolved Field Number (RFN)

The field number (FN) for optical microscopes indicates the field of view (FOV). It corresponds to the area in the intermediate image that is observable through the eyepieces. Although, we cannot…

What is a Field-of-View Scanner?

A field-of-view scanner is an assembly of galvanometric scanning mirrors used in single-point confocal microscopes that offer the correct optical recording of large field sizes. The field-of-view…

What is a Tandem Scanner?

A Tandem Scanner is an assembly of two different types of scanning together in one system for true confocal point scanning. The Tandem Scanner consists of a three-mirror scanning base with the…
3D glomeruli in a portion of an ECi-cleared kidney scanned by light sheet microscopy. Courtesy of Prof. Norbert Gretz, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg [1].

Using Mounting Frames for Light Sheet Sample Preparation

Sample handling is an important topic in the context of Light Sheet Microscopy. The TCS SP8 DLS integrates Light Sheet technology into an inverted confocal platform and can hence make use of general…
Drosophila embryo observed from different sides. Images were acquired in the framework of the 2018 EMBO Lightsheet Course at MPI CBG in Dresden with expert support of Bruno Cossermelli Vellutini (MPI CBG), Pavel Tomancak (MPI CBG), and Emmanuel Reynaud (UCD).

Using a Rotation Device for Light Sheet Sample Mounting

The TCS SP8 DLS from Leica Microsystems is an innovative concept to integrate the Light Sheet Microscopy technology into the confocal microscope. Due to its unique optical architecture samples can be…

Expanding the Limits of Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation

Capturing the intricate changes in fine structure or in cell dynamics with conventional cryo solutions can be challenging sometimes. Leica Microsystems has developed a new cryo platform, the Leica EM…
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