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Scienze della vita
Questo è il posto giusto per ampliare le vostre conoscenze, le capacità di ricerca e le applicazioni pratiche della microscopia in vari campi scientifici. Imparate come ottenere una visualizzazione precisa, l'interpretazione delle immagini e i progressi della ricerca. Troverete informazioni approfondite sulla microscopia avanzata, sulle tecniche di imaging, sulla preparazione dei campioni e sull'analisi delle immagini. Gli argomenti trattati comprendono la biologia cellulare, le neuroscienze e la ricerca sul cancro, con particolare attenzione alle applicazioni e alle innovazioni più avanzate.
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Depth of Field in Microscope Images
For microscopy imaging, depth of field is an important parameter when needing sharp images of sample areas with structures having significant changes in depth. In practice, depth of field is…

What is Empty Magnification and How can Users Avoid it
The phenomenon of “empty magnification”, which can occur while using an optical, light, or digital microscope, and how it can be avoided is explained in this article. The performance of an optical…

The Guide to STED Sample Preparation
This guide is intended to help users optimize sample preparation for stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy, specifically when using the STED microscope from Leica Microsystems. It gives an…

How to Prepare Samples for Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) imaging
Find here guidelines for how to prepare samples for stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), acquire images, analyze data, and develop suitable workflows. SRS spectroscopic imaging is also known as SRS…

Understanding Clearly the Magnification of Microscopy
To help users better understand the magnification of microscopy and how to determine the useful range of magnification values for digital microscopes, this article provides helpful guidelines.

Introduction to Fluorescent Proteins
Overview of fluorescent proteins (FPs) from, red (RFP) to green (GFP) and blue (BFP), with a table showing their relevant spectral characteristics.

How Marine Microorganism Analysis can be Improved with High-pressure Freezing
In this application example we showcase the use of EM-Sample preparation with high pressure freezing, freeze substiturion and ultramicrotomy for marine biology focusing on ultrastructural analysis of…

What is the Patch-Clamp Technique?
This article gives an introduction to the patch-clamp technique and how it is used to study the physiology of ion channels for neuroscience and other life-science fields.

Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Microscopy
This article demonstrates how differential interference contrast (DIC) can be actually better than brightfield illumination when using microscopy to image unstained biological specimens.