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Science Lab
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A Meta-cancer Analysis of the Tumor Spatial Microenvironment
Learn how clustering analysis of Cell DIVE datasets in Aivia can be used to understand tissue-specific and pan-cancer mechanisms of cancer progression

Mapping the Landscape of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma with Imaging and AI
Discover deep insights in colon adenocarcinoma and other immuno-oncology realms through the potent combination of multiplexed imaging of Cell DIVE and Aivia AI-based image analysis

IBEX, Cell DIVE, and RNA-Seq: A Multi-omics Approach to Follicular Lymphoma
In a recent study by Radtke et al., a multi-omics spatial biology approach helps shed light on early relapsing lymphoma patients

Overcoming Observational Challenges in Organoid 3D Cell Culture
Learn how to overcome challenges in observing organoid growth. Read this article and discover new solutions for real-time monitoring which do not disturb the 3D structure of the organoids over time.

Rapid Check of Live Stem Cells in Cell-Culture Inserts set in Multi-Well Plates
See how efficient imaging of live iPSC stem cells within cell-culture inserts set in a multi-well plate can be done to evaluate the cells using a THUNDER Imager. Just read this article.

Automatic Alignment of Sample and Knife for High Sectioning Quality
Automatic alignment of sample and knife on the ultramicrotome UC Enuity, enabling even untrained users to create ultrathin sections with reduced risk of losing precious sections.

High Quality Sectioning in Ultramicrotomy
Discover the significance of achieving high-quality uniform sections with ultramicrotomy for precise imaging in electron microscopy.

Extended Live-cell Imaging at Nanoscale Resolution
Extended live-cell imaging with TauSTED Xtend. Combined spatial and lifetime information allow super-resolution microscopy at extremely low light dose.

The Guide to STED Sample Preparation
This guide is intended to help users optimize sample preparation for stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy, specifically when using the STED microscope from Leica Microsystems. It gives an…