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Improve Your Ultramicrotomy Workflow with Automated Sectioning
Discover advanced digital ultramicrotomy tools for fast and accurate automated sectioning. Learn about autoalignment, and efficient sample trimming leveraging 3D µCT data. See application examples…

How do Cells Talk to Each Other During Neurodevelopment?
Professor Silvia Capello presents her group’s research on cellular crosstalk in neurodevelopmental disorders, using models such as cerebral organoids and assembloids.

Extended Live-cell Imaging at Nanoscale Resolution
Extended live-cell imaging with TauSTED Xtend. Combined spatial and lifetime information allow super-resolution microscopy at extremely low light dose.

Accelerating Discovery for Multiplexed Imaging of Diverse Tissues
Explore IBEX: Open-source multiplexed imaging. Join the collaborative IBEX Imaging Community for optimized tissue processing, antibody selection, and human atlas construction.

Transforming Multiplexed 2D Data into Spatial Insights Guided by AI
Aivia 13 handles large 2D images and enables researchers to obtain deep insights into microenvironment surrounding their phenotypes with millions of detected objects and automatic clustering up to 30…

Notable AI-based Solutions for Phenotypic Drug Screening
Learn about notable optical microscope solutions for phenotypic drug screening using 3D-cell culture, both planning and execution, from this free, on-demand webinar.