Industrial Application


光学顕微鏡は、部品やコンポーネントの検査、リワークや組み立て、品質保証/品質管理、故障解析、研究開発などの産業用途に使用することができます。具体的な用途としては、清浄度検査、鋼材の品質評価、金属組織学(鉄鋼/鋳物製品)などがあります。 これらのアプリケーションは、自動車や運輸、機械製造、電子機器や半導体、金属合金、医療機器など、多くの産業分野で一般的に必要とされています。



Industrial Manufacturing Leica Microscope



検査 部品やコンポーネントの検査において、効率的かつ信頼性の高い分析、合否判定、結果の文書化を実現します。

リワークと組立。 生産性向上と品質最適化のために、実体顕微鏡下で3次元観察しながら、部品を加工したり組立します。

故障解析 (FA)。






ライカ マイクロシステムズのサイエンスラボでは、 顕微鏡に関する専門記事やお客様事例、基本情報を提供しています。 日常業務や研究で、ビギナーから経験豊富な方まで幅広くサポートします。


Documentation of an automotive clutch friction surface with a digital microscope

Automotive Part Verification and Development according to Specifications

Automotive part verification during the development and production of parts and components by suppliers or manufacturers is important for ensuring that specifications are met. Specifications are…
Particulate contamination in between moving metal plates.

Key Factors for Efficient Cleanliness Analysis

An overview of the key factors necessary for technical cleanliness and efficient cleanliness analysis concerning automotive and electronics manufacturing and production is provided in this article.
Material sample with a large height, size, and weight being observed with an inverted microscope.

Five Inverted-Microscope Advantages for Industrial Applications

With inverted microscopes, you look at samples from below since their optics are placed under the sample, with upright microscopes you look at samples from above. Traditionally, inverted microscopes…
[Translate to japanese:] Stereo microscopes are often considered the workhorses of laboratories and production sites.

Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a Stereo Microscope

This article explains key factors that help users determine which stereo microscope solution can best meet their needs, depending on the application.

Rapid and Reliable Examination of PCBs & PCBAs with Digital Microscopy

Digital microscopes provide users with a convenient and rapid way to acquire high-quality, reliable image data and make quick inspection and analysis of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and assemblies…
The principle of the FusionOptics technology:  Of the two separate beam paths (1), one provides depth of field (2) and the other high resolution (3). In the brain, the two images of the sample are merged into a single, optimal 3D image (4).

What is the FusionOptics Technology?

Leica stereo microscopes with FusionOptics provide optimal 3D perception. The brain merges two images, one with large depth of field and the other with high resolution, into one 3D image.
Inspection microscope image of a printed circuit board (PCB) taken with a ring light (RL) and near vertical illumination (NVI).

Microscope Illumination for Industrial Applications

Inspection microscope users can obtain information from this article which helps them choose the optimal microscope illumination or lighting system for inspection of parts or components.
The various solutions from Leica Microsystems for cleanliness analysis.

Factors to Consider for a Cleanliness Analysis Solution

Choosing the right cleanliness analysis solution is important for optimal quality control. This article discusses the important factors that should be taken into account to find the solution that best…
Type of contamination: spores

Cleanliness Analysis for Particulate Contamination

Devices, products, and their components fabricated in many industries can be quite sensitive to contamination and, as a result, have stringent requirements for technical cleanliness. Measurement…
Electronic component

Top Challenges for Visual Inspection

This article discusses the challenges encountered when performing visual inspection and rework using a microscope. Using the right type of microscope and optical setup is paramount in order to…





製造における清浄度は大きな課題となっています。製品の機能と耐用期間は、粒子のコンタミネーションと直接関連しています。したがって、粒子のコンタミネーションを定量的に検出することは、製造工程の改善を助け、結果として費用を抑えることができます。 製品の品質は汚染によって大きな影響を受ける可能性があります。 自動車、航空、マイクロエレクトロニクス、医薬品、医療機器等の製造、品質管理には、清浄度に関する厳格な要件があります。





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