Leica LMD6500 & LMD7000 レーザーマイクロダイセクション

置き換える M125 C & M205 C

Specimen Collection by Gravity

Laser microdissection uses a laser to isolate specific microscopic regions from tissue samples. The way in which specimens of interest are transferred and collected influences the specificity and quality of the end result. Only Leica Microsystems uses simple gravity for specimen…

Specimen before Laser Microdissection

Frozen section (10 μm) of a mouse aorta (whole vessel) before Laser Microdissection stained with cresyl violet on a POL frame slide. Courtesy of K. Beuerlein, Rudolf-Buchheim-Institut fur Pharmakologie, Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen.

Specimen after Laser Microdissection

Frozen section (10 μm) of a mouse aorta (whole vessel) after Laser Microdissection stained with cresyl violet on a POL frame slide. Courtesy of K. Beuerlein, Rudolf-Buchheim-Institut fur Pharmakologie, Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen.

Specimen in Collector

Frozen section (10 μm) of a mouse aorta (whole vessel) in collector stained with cresyl violet on a POL frame slide. Courtesy of K. Beuerlein, Rudolf-Buchheim-Institut fur Pharmakologie, Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen.

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