LAS X Life Science ライフサイエンスアプリケーション用ソフトウェアプラットフォーム


Leica Microsystems Tutorials

Leica Microsystems Tutorials. The Leica Microsystems Tutorials YouTube Channel. Join us and subscribe!

Leica Microsystems Tutorials. The Leica Microsystems Tutorials YouTube Channel. Join us and subscribe!


Quantum Stageを使用したスライド全体の高速取得 5倍対物レンズとDFC7000 T、フルフレームによる高速取得. スライド提供;IGBMC、フランス


神経(赤)、筋肉 (灰色)、核 (青)が隣接する


Courtesy of Lionel Newton, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany。



Courtesy of Darren Gilmour, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany。



Courtesy of Dr. Satoru Kobayashi, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Dr. Yuya Ohhara, Dr. Kimiko Kobayashi, University of Shizuoka, Japan

The LAS X Image Analysis - An introduction to the 3D Image Analysis Workflow

This Leica LAS X image analysis video tutorial provides users with an introduction on how to perform threshold-based image analysis using the LAS X 3D image analysis module. It provides an orientation on how to open the 2D and 3D analysis modules, the software/user interface layout, and the 10-step…

LAS X File Management - Using the Open Projects tab to better manage .lif files

Basic overview of the Open Projects tab, .lif files, renaming and deleting files, and how to autosave.

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