


脳神経外科、眼科、形成外科、耳鼻咽喉科、歯科の専門医向けに厳選された、最新の科学・臨床リソースを探索しませんか? 貴重な症例や洞察、シンポジウムなど、多彩なコンテンツをご覧いただけます。 手術用顕微鏡の最先端技術に焦点を当て、AR蛍光、3D視覚化、術中OCTイメージングといった革新的技術が、複雑な手術の精度向上や意思決定の最適化にどのように貢献するかをご紹介します。
Intraoperative OCT-assisted complex cataract surgery. Image courtesy of Dr. Ozana Moraru.

Ophthalmology: Visualization in Complex Cataract Surgery

Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in cataract surgery and how it supports both standard and complex cataract surgery cases.
Fundus photo depicting epiretinal membrane with lamellar macular hole. Image courtesy of Robert A. Sisk, MD, FACS, Cincinnati Eye Institute.

Improve Macular Hole Surgery with Optical Coherence Tomography

A case study on the use of intraoperative OCT during macular hole surgery for pediatric lamellar macular hole repair and how it provides valuable real-time information.
Augmented Reality fluorescence supports each step of neurovascular surgery procedures. Image courtesy of Dr. Christof Renner.

Use of AR Fluorescence in Neurovascular Surgery

Learn about the use of GLOW800 Augmented Reality in neurovascular surgery through clinical cases and videos, including aneurysm and tumor resection cases.
Corneal transplantation. Image courtesy of Mr. David Anderson.

Ophthalmology Case Study: Corneal Transplantation

Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in Corneal Transplantation and how it helps achieve correct positioning of donor tissue.
The intraoperative OCT showed the ellipsoid had separated from the inner retina with focal attachment to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Images provided by Mr. Robert Henderson

Utility of Intraoperative OCT in Sub-Retinal Gene Therapy

Discover a case study on the use of intraoperative OCT for pediatric gene therapy and how it supports bleb placement and verifying the foveal contour.
Diffuse retinal degeneration with relative macular sparing.

Ophthalmic Gene Therapy Subretinal Injection

Case study on the use of intraoperative OCT for Leber congenital amaurosis macular repair and ophthalmic gene therapy subretinal injection.
GLOW800 Augmented Reality fluorescence in Moyamoya disease treatment

How AR Helps in the Surgical Treatment of Moyamoya Disease

Moyamoya disease is a rare chronic occlusive cerebrovascular disorder characterized by progressive stenosis in the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery and an abnormal vascular network at…
Clinical case: radial forearm free flap preparation with prelaminated urethra and phalloplasty anastomosis

Using GLOW800 AR in Radial Forearm Flap Free Phalloplasty

In this video, Chief Microsurgeon Professor Küntscher and his team perform a radial forearm free flap phalloplasty and use ICG fluorescence imaging to show the blood flow in the whole flap from the…
Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) or Minor’s syndrome.

Minor’s Syndrome Surgical Intervention by Prof. Vincent Darrouzet

Minor’s disease, also called Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) or Minor’s syndrome, is a rare disorder of the inner ear that affects hearing and balance. The disease is characterized by…
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