Science Lab

Science Lab

3D culture of ovarian cancer cells imaged using the confocal mode of Mica.

Mica: A Game-changer for Collaborative Research at Imperial College London

This interview highlights the transformative impact of Mica at Imperial College London. Scientists explain how Mica has been a game-changer, expanding research possibilities and facilitating…


がんは、成長調節における欠損細胞によって引き起こされる複雑な異質性疾患です。 細胞または細胞群内の遺伝的および後成的変化が通常の機能を妨げ、自律的、非制御の細胞成長と増殖を引き起こします。


モデル生物とは、特定の生物学的プロセスを研究するために研究者が使用する生物種です。 モデル生物は、人間と似た遺伝的特徴を持ち、遺伝子学、発生生物学、神経科学などの研究分野で一般的に使用されています。 通常、モデル生物は実験環境での維持や繁殖が容易であること、生殖サイクルが短いこと、または、特定の形質や病気を研究するために突然変異体を生成する能力を持つことで選ばれます。
Blood vessel system of a zebrafish larvae.

Overcoming Challenges with Microscopy when Imaging Moving Zebrafish Larvae

Zebrafish is a valuable model organism with many beneficial traits. However, imaging a full organism poses challenges as it is not stationary. Here, this case study shows how zebrafish larvae can be…


神経変性疾患の理解向上に取り組んでいる、もしくは神経系の機能を研究をしていますか? ライカマイクロシステムズのイメージングソリューションによってブレイクスルーを起こす方法をご覧ください。
Salmonella biofilms 3D render

Exploring Microbial Worlds: Spatial Interactions in 3D Food Matrices

The Micalis Institute is a joint research unit in collaboration with INRAE, AgroParisTech, and Université Paris-Saclay. Its mission is to develop innovative research in the field of food microbiology…
Immunofluorescence image of a mouse enodmetrial organoid stained with CK14 and DAPI

Advancing Uterine Regenerative Therapies with Endometrial Organoids

Prof. Kang's group investigates important factors that determine the uterine microenvironment in which embryo insertion and pregnancy are successfully maintained. They are working to develop new…
The role of extracellular signalling mechanisms in the correct development of the human brain

How do Cells Talk to Each Other During Neurodevelopment?

Professor Silvia Capello presents her group’s research on cellular crosstalk in neurodevelopmental disorders, using models such as cerebral organoids and assembloids.
Masson-Goldner staining of a hedgehog brain slice.

How to Streamline Your Histology Workflows

Streamline your histology workflows. The unique Fluosync detection method embedded into Mica enables high-res RGB color imaging in one shot.
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