Microscópios confocais
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Leica Microsystems
STELLARIS FALCON Aquisição de imagens do tempo de vida em um instante
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Soluções para aquisição de imagens e preparação de amostras para pesquisas em virologia
Windows on Neurovascular Pathologies
Discover how innate immunity can sustain deleterious effects following neurovascular pathologies and the technological developments enabling longitudinal studies into these events.
The Power of Reproducibility, Collaboration and New Imaging Technologies
In this webinar you willl learn what impacts reproducibility in microscopy, what resources and initiatives there are to improve education and rigor and reproducibility in microscopy and how…
Live-Cell Fluorescence Lifetime Multiplexing Using Organic Fluorophores
On-demand video: Imaging more subcellular targets by using fluorescence lifetime multiplexing combined with spectrally resolved detection.
What is FRET with FLIM (FLIM-FRET)?
This article explains the FLIM-FRET method which combines resonance energy transfer and fluorescence lifetime imaging to study protein-protein interactions.
Visualizing Protein-Protein Interactions by Non-Fitting and Easy FRET-FLIM Approaches
The Webinar with Dr. Sergi Padilla-Parra is about visualizing protein-protein interaction. He gives insight into non-fitting and easy FRET-FLIM approaches.
A Guide to Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)
The fluorescence lifetime is a measure of how long a fluorophore remains on average in its excited state before returning to the ground state by emitting a fluorescence photon.
Find Relevant Specimen Details from Overviews
Switch from searching image by image to seeing the full overview of samples quickly and identifying the important specimen details instantly with confocal microscopy. Use that knowledge to set up…
Fluorescence Lifetime-based Imaging Gallery
Confocal microscopy relies on the effective excitation of fluorescence probes and the efficient collection of photons emitted from the fluorescence process. One aspect of fluorescence is the emission…
How to Quantify Changes in the Metabolic Status of Single Cells
Metabolic imaging based on fluorescence lifetime provides insights into the metabolic dynamics of cells, but its use has been limited as expertise in advanced microscopy techniques was needed.
How FLIM Microscopy Helps to Detect Microplastic Pollution
The use of autofluorescence in biological samples is a widely used method to gain detailed knowledge about systems or organisms. This property is not only found in biological systems, but also…
Obtenha o máximo de informações de sua amostra com o LIGHTNING
O LIGHTNING é um processo adaptivo totalmente automático para a extração de informações que revela estruturas finas e detalhes que, de outra forma, simplesmente não seriam visíveis. Ao contrário de…
Microscopy in Virology
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causing the Covid-19 disease effects our world in all aspects. Research to find immunization and treatment methods, in other words to fight this virus, gained highest…
TauSense Technology Imaging Tools
Leica Microsystems’ TauSense technology is a set of imaging modes based on fluorescence lifetime. Found at the core of the STELLARIS confocal platform, it will revolutionize your imaging experiments.…
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
The Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) phenomenon offers techniques that allow studies of interactions in dimensions below the optical resolution limit. FRET describes the transfer of the energy…
Campos de aplicação
Organoides e cultura celular 3D
Um dos recentes avanços mais impressionantes na pesquisa de ciências da vida é o desenvolvimento de sistemas de cultura celular 3D, como organoides, esferoides ou modelos órgão-em-chip. Uma cultura…