


Mergulhe fundo em artigos detalhados e webinars com foco em inspeção eficiente, fluxos de trabalho otimizados e conforto ergonômico em contextos industriais e patológicos. Os tópicos abordados incluem controle de qualidade, análise de materiais, microscopia em patologia, entre muitos outros. Este é o lugar onde você obtém insights valiosos sobre o uso de tecnologias de ponta para melhorar a precisão e a eficiência dos processos de fabricação, bem como o diagnóstico e a pesquisa patológicos precisos.
Fluorescence stereo microscope image of anesthetized Mediterranean fruit flies recorded with a M205 stereo microscope.

Investigating Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)

Learn how to image and investigate Drosophila fruit fly model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
C. elegans

Studying Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)

Find out how you can image and study C. elegans roundworm model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
Watch imaged with DMS300.

What You Always Wanted to Know About Digital Microscopy, but Never Got Around to Asking

Digital microscopy is one of the buzz words in microscopy – and there are a couple of facts that are useful to know. Georg Schlaffer, Product Manager with Leica Microsystems, has often been asked…
Alexander von Inostranzeff (1843–1919)

125 Years of Comparison Microscopy

To be able to optically compare two objects with scientific accuracy, it must be possible to view them at the same time. This is particularly true for comparing small objects that can only be…
Forensics microscopy

Every Clue Counts – Forensics Inconceivable Without Microscopy

There is no crime without clues. They may be obvious, like a cartridge case at the scene of the crime or clear signs of crowbar damage on a door. But sometimes, clues are microscopically small.…
An ID card which has been tampered with by counterfeiters who inserted a hologram.

Is that Document Genuine or Fake? How do They Identify Fake Documents?

This article shows how forensic experts use microscopy for analysis to identify counterfeit, fake documents, such as ID cards, passports, visas, certificates, etc. Then they know if it is genuine or…

Metallography with Color and Contrast

The examination of microstructure morphology plays a decisive role in materials science and failure analysis. There are many possibilities of visualizing the real structures of materials in the light…
SPERM HY-LITER™ staining of a sexual assault smear slide which was performed by a forensic DNA crime laboratory.

Forensic Detection of Sperm from Sexual Assault Evidence

The impact of modern scientific methods on the analysis of crime scene evidence has dramatically changed many forensic sub-specialties. Arguably one of the most dramatic examples is the impact of…

Quality as Clear as Glass - Polarizing Microscopy in Glass Production

An exquisite beverage deserves a high-quality glass. Even the ancient Romans made artistically crafted drinking glasses. In the Middle Ages, Venetian glassmakers were famous for the purity of their…
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