Especialidades médicas
Especialidades médicas
Explore uma coleção abrangente de recursos científicos e clínicos adaptados para profissionais de saúde, incluindo percepções de colegas, estudos de casos clínicos e simpósios. Projetado para neurocirurgiões, oftalmologistas e especialistas em cirurgia plástica e reconstrutiva, otorrinolaringologia e odontologia. Esta coleção destaca os mais recentes avanços em microscopia cirúrgica. Descubra como as tecnologias cirúrgicas de ponta, como fluorescência AR, visualização 3D e imagens intraoperatórias de OCT, possibilitam a tomada de decisões confiantes e a precisão em cirurgias complexas.
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Glaucoma Stent Revision Surgery Guided by Intraoperative OCT
Learn about a glaucoma subconjunctival stent revision guided by intraoperative OCT and the important role it plays to ensure the best outcome.

Posterior Segment Surgery: Benefits of Utilizing Intraoperative OCT
Learn about the value of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in posterior segment surgery to precisely locate, evaluate and manage pathologies.

Intraoperative OCT-Assisted Corneal Transplant Procedures
Learn about the use of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in corneal transplantation and how it facilitates the adaptation of the donor cornea.

Enhancing Neurosurgery Teaching
Learn about the Serious Game in Intraoperative Neurosurgery and how it supports neurosurgical teaching and the acquisition of decision-making skills.

How Intraoperative OCT Helps Gain Greater Insight in Glaucoma Surgery
Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in glaucoma surgery and how it helps see subsurface tissue details.

Ophthalmology: Visualization in Complex Cataract Surgery
Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in cataract surgery and how it supports both standard and complex cataract surgery cases.

Launching a Neurosurgical Department with Limited Resources
Learn about Dr. Claire Karekezi’s journey and experience launching a neurosurgical department within the Rwanda Military Hospital with limited resources.

Improve Macular Hole Surgery with Optical Coherence Tomography
A case study on the use of intraoperative OCT during macular hole surgery for pediatric lamellar macular hole repair and how it provides valuable real-time information.

Use of AR Fluorescence in Neurovascular Surgery
Learn about the use of GLOW800 Augmented Reality in neurovascular surgery through clinical cases and videos, including aneurysm and tumor resection cases.