Especialidades médicas
Especialidades médicas
Explore uma coleção abrangente de recursos científicos e clínicos adaptados para profissionais de saúde, incluindo percepções de colegas, estudos de casos clínicos e simpósios. Projetado para neurocirurgiões, oftalmologistas e especialistas em cirurgia plástica e reconstrutiva, otorrinolaringologia e odontologia. Esta coleção destaca os mais recentes avanços em microscopia cirúrgica. Descubra como as tecnologias cirúrgicas de ponta, como fluorescência AR, visualização 3D e imagens intraoperatórias de OCT, possibilitam a tomada de decisões confiantes e a precisão em cirurgias complexas.
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Unlocking Insights in Complex and Dense Neuron Images Guided by AI
The latest advancement in Aivia AI image analysis software provides improved soma detection, additional flexibility in neuron tracing, 3D relational measurement including Sholl analysis and more.

Characterizing tumor environment to reveal insights and spatial resolution
Antibodies from Cell Signaling Technology are validated for use with the Cell DIVE multiplexing workflow and used to probe cell lineages in the tumor microenvironment

What are the Challenges in Neuroscience Microscopy?
eBook outlining the visualization of the nervous system using different types of microscopy techniques and methods to address questions in neuroscience.

AI Microscopy Enables the Efficient Detection of Rare Events
Localization and selective imaging of rare events is key for the investigation of many processes in biological samples. Yet, due to time constraints and complexity, some experiments are not feasible…

An Introduction to Fluorescence
This article gives an introduction to fluorescence and photoluminescence, which includes phosphorescence, explains the basic theory behind them, and how fluorescence is used for microscopy.

The Role of Iron Metabolism in Cancer Progression
Iron metabolism plays a role in cancer development and progression, and modulates the immune response. Understanding how iron influences cancer and the immune system can aid the development of new…

Dig Deeper Into the Complexities of Pancreatic Cancer with Multiplex Imaging
Cell DIVE is an iterative staining workflow for multiplexed imaging that unveils biological pathways to dig deeper into the complexities of pancreatic cancer.

How is Microscopy Used in Spatial Biology? A Microscopy Guide
Different spatial biology methods in microscopy, such as multiplex imaging, are helping to better understand tissue landscapes. Learn more in this microscopy guide.

Complex Made Simple: Antibodies in Multiplexed Imaging
Build panels, plan studies, and get the most from precious reagents using this antibody multiplexing guide from Leica Microsystems